

We are a consulting firm that is specialised in designing, developing and delivering human resource management and development solutions that help create tangible and sustainable  impact for our clients, our people and the community


To be our clients’ Preferred HR Consulting Partner and be one of the Best Malaysian Training and HR consulting firms, with an International presence

We started as Irshad Institute on 23rd August 1988 we serve society by organizing seminars and public programmes in the area of Islamic management, family development and other major management courses. Irshad Institute was set up by Hj Mohd Adam bin Mohd Said and Hj Saari bin Sungib.

In 1989, with our passion to contribute to the community, we added our focus on corporate and in-house training by designing and implementing customised training for our clients according to their specific needs.


In 1990, We were approached by the Civil Service Institute of Brunei to conduct a training program, and it marked our first step towards becoming a global organization. To date, the Brunei government has been one of our loyal international clients and partners for more than 27 years.

We have evolved from the role of the training provider to becoming a consultancy firm which we have rebranded our organization to Irshad Consulting Sdn Bhd (ICSB). From now on, we are not merely a training provider, but we also assist and give consultation to our clients in the area of human resources, strategic management, and training.

We have been invited to join as one of the consortium members of MRCB Multimedia Consortium Sdn Bhd (MMCSB) to bid for a massive electronic government EG-HRMIS project under the Malaysian government. Fortunately, MMCSB has been awarded the project to design, develop and implement a competency-based human resource management information system (HRMIS) for the Malaysian Civil Service. As a management and HR consultancy firm, IRSHAD has been assigned to take the lead on developing the new HR Strategy, reengineering the overall HRM process, and managing change and training for the successful implementation of the EG-HRMIS project. In 2005, with our capability and dedication that we displayed, we have been invited to take over the management of MMCSB and later acquire the majority shareholder of the company from MRCB.


In 2003, Irshad was registered as a registered Training Provider with Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) under the Human Resource Ministry.

In order to be more focused and provide better to our clients, we established two new subsidiaries, Irshad HR Consulting Sdn Bhd (IHRCSB) which focuses more on human resource consulting and soft-skill training, and Sageconsulting Sdn Bhd (SSB) focuses more on strategic management consulting.

2006, Irshad has been assigned by a major GLC in Malaysia to design, develop and implement a graduate employability enhancement programme based on the Train-and-Place concept. With a more than 90% employability success rate, Irshad has been given the opportunity to lead the implementation of a nationwide programme called “Graduate Management Schemes – GEMS” which finally involved more than 7,000 unemployed graduates.


A new entity called Profess Consulting Group Sdn Bhd ( has been established to consolidate all consulting companies under the group, including Irshad HR Consulting, as one umbrella. Currently, Profess Consulting Group has five (5) consulting firms that specialised in the areas of human resource management, strategic management, information technology, technical consulting, and recruitment centre.

Group of Companies

CEO's Message

Human resource is the most strategic resource for any organisation and being the number one competitive edge. While some organisations treat these as cliche and go no more beyond lip service, others are arduously enhancing the human capital capacity to face the future.


Since 1988, Irshad HR Consulting (IRSHAD) has been assisting many reputable organisations to achieve their corporate vision and mission through integrated, strategic and solution-oriented human resource (HR) consulting services and training.

We strive to become our clients’ world class HR consulting partner by leveraging on people, technology and best practices. We are a consulting firm driven by a sense of stewardship and shared achievement offering HR solutions that create tangible and sustainable impact for our clients, our people and the community.

Our Core Values

Our core values are what bind us together as a team. The values underlie our work, how we interact with each other, and which strategies we employ in our course to achieve our mission to create tangible and sustainable impact for our clients, our people and the community.

Our Solutions

With more than 30 years in HR consulting and training, aided by a pool of qualified and experienced consultants, IRSHAD is poised to assist organisations realise their corporate vision and objectives through an integrated, strategic and solution-oriented consulting services as follows:

Our Approach

In IRSHAD, we ensure quality and timely delivery of our commitments to our clients through our structured Consulting Framework. It has been designed, tested and implemented for hundreds of projects and clients.

Our Framework

In order to achieve the desired outcome for our clients, IRSHAD shall be guided by the following framework in developing and implementing any project.

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